Thursday, April 14, 2016

My Mission Statement

I gave myself this assignment this week to write a mission statement for my life after doing some deep healing. Here is what I came up with. It feels bigger than me and a bit uncomfortable because I don't know the HOW...but I'm slowly putting it out there!


Mission Statement for the Life and Career of Christina DeRosa

My mission is to cradle myself with love, the way I would a baby in my arms, and see we are all really children at heart. My mission is to shine my childlike wonder and joy and share it with the world evolving through my acting, producing, music and any other gifts I discover. Through my gifts and talents, I will be of service to children, empowering them and reminding them they are perfect just the way they are. The world is waiting for me.

Christina DeRosa  4/14/16
Now, your turn, if you are gamed....

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