Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Power of 2 Words....THANK YOU!

As an actress, sending thank you cards is one of my favorite ways to reach out.  Thank you Tweets, FaceBook messages, emails and hand written cards to Casting Directors, Agents, Managers, Directors, Producers....  I have done it all and here is my favorite thank you story. 

I was on set as an actress in a movie shooting in Seattle and I remember after a long day of filming I was riding an elevator with one of the producers and he smiled at me and said, "you know what got you this part Christina?"  I was surprised to hear this and said, "My talents?" He laughed and said yes that too but do you know what separated you from all the rest of the actresses?"  "Tell me" I said.  He said, after your audition and callback you wrote a handwritten thank you card to me and the director that was so thoughtful and generous and I thought, "That's a girl I want to have on my set."  He said, it was between you and one other actress for this role and your thank you card sealed the deal for me on you.  WOW.  I had a tear in my eye as he said this and thought.  I will always send thank you cards no matter what.  That meant so much to me.  For all the times, I sent a thank you card and never got acknowledged this made up for it and made me realize the power of a thank you card. 

Send a thank you card to anyone this week and watch how good it feels!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Power of Saying NO!

An an actress, it's not every day an offer comes along (although I pray and hold the space for that to happen) so when an offer does come along, it might sound crazy to say "NO" right?

Well, here's the thing (my little secret)

When an opportunity for a casting or an offer for a role in a project flows to me, I have to feel Grateful for the opportunity but then ask myself:

1.  Is this in alignment with my target goals?

2.  Will this role be a career building role for me?  (Will I be working with collaborators who inspire me? Will this look really great on my resume?  Will this be a step up from the roles I have done before?)

3.  How will this role make me feel?

One of my favorite mentors, Dallas Travers taught me, "If it's not a Hell YES, it's a Hell NO"

Sometimes it really just does not feel right in my gut and I have to trust that.  At the end of the day, you know best!  Trust yourself.

Living Mantra :  (repeat after me)  I trust myself to be myself and to make the best decisions for my highest good and the good of all concerned.

Have fun making decisions!!

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