Daily Rituals:
I recently read an article on creating daily rituals into your day to help reach your highest potential. Sounds good huh? The article is here
Here were my 3 takeaways:
Drink a glass of water when you wake up. Sounds simple right? Oh boy, sometimes, I am thirsty in the middle of the night, now I know why. Look like our
bodies lose water while we sleep, so we are naturally dehydrated in the
morning. A glass of water when you wake helps start your day fresh.
When do you drink your first glass of water each day?
Thirsty yet?
Define your top 3. “What are the top three most important tasks that I will
complete today?” What’s your "Top 3" today? Sometimes I have 50 things on my to do list and get overwhelmed, what if there were only three most important things? Could be to send that one email you have been putting off, or make that scary phone call, or for me it could be that important audition I gotta prepare for! Get to it!
Express gratitude (Now, this one I do and can't imagine my life without!!) Gratitude fosters happiness,
which is why I write every morning, (After a glass of water) what I am grateful for and why. What are you grateful
for today? Why are you grateful for that in your life? I would love to hear it so feel free to share below!
Now, here's to living to your HIGHEST POTENTIAL!